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 硅谷留美博士企业家协会SCOBA  Silicon Valley Chinese Overseas Business Association
Leadership Training for China Small Businesses


2000 EVENT LIST 活动计划

Date Event Location
Nov 3 中国中小企业促进中心成立 Opening of China Center for Small Business Development Peking Univy
Nov 3 中小企业发展国际研讨会 International Seminar Series on Small Businesses Peking Univy
Nov 5-6 考察西安杨陵沙漠绿化扶贫项目 visit the Green Project site in Western China Yangling, Xi'An
Nov 7-8 中国企业领导才能 (大连) 培训班Business Leadership Training in Northern China Dalian, Liaoning
Dec 23 中国企业领导才能 (北京) 培训班 Business Leadership Training in Beijing 北京丰台高新技术园
Dec 29 中国企业领导才能 (广州) 培训班 Business Leadership Training in Southern Chian 广州天河开发区

>> Organizers组织者:

  • SCOBA, Santa Clara, CA, USA
  • Mercy Corps International, Oregon, USA
  • Talisman Leadership, Palo Alto, CA, USA
  • Small Business Promotion Center of Beijing University, China

About Mercy Corp:
Mercy Corps International
)是一个非赢利性的志愿组织,总部设于美国俄勒冈州的波特兰市,其三个分部分别是位于荷兰的“欧洲美协”、 位于菲律宾的“菲律宾美协”和位于洪都拉斯的“环球组织”。“中国美协”正在筹建之中。美协国际组织的宗旨是,帮助发展中国家和地区的人民建立富裕、安全、繁荣和民主的社区。

About the Business Training Program背景:
SCOBA (www.scoba.org) and Mercy Corps International (www.mercycorps.org) of Oregon have jointly establish a training program with Peking University and other local government or institutions in China. This program is for executives and managers of small businesses in China. The training program is jointly developed by a few organizations, including SCOBA, Mercy Corps, Peking University, Talisman Leadership, and so on, the it available at the web site.

Audience: incubator staff and small business managers in China
Teachers: all teacher are volunteers from US, Beijing Uniervity, China Torch Office, and local professionals.
Duration - 1-2 days per site.
Cost - training is free, but students cover their own lodging and food.

Finance to teachers:
The program may provide transportation cost to volunteer teachers. Local governments can provide lodging and food to volunteer teachers for the course duration.

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